Saturday, January 5, 2013


it's been such a great year! 
thanks to all these incredible women {and sometimes some of the husbands} 4 charity was able to accomplish it's 2012 goal of being involved with some kind of service each month. we were able to learn about many organizations that are doing amazing things for others, we were able to meet inspiring people who just want to do good in the world, and we were able to spend time together, getting warm fuzzies and feeling heartened about the goodness of humanity.

the last couple months have been quiet over here on the blog because our projects have been a bit more personal and it seemed appropriate to to be a little more discreet. in december some of us were able to go help at 'the candy cane corner store' which is run through 'the road home shelter'. it's a very cool little set-up, people donate brand new clothes, toys, and other useful things which are then sorted and organized in a space set-up like a store where those being assisted by 'the road home' are able to come and essentially christmas shop for their families. to see the generosity of those who donated and those who came to help was overwhelming. it was a perfect experience to finish off a beautiful year.

we're looking forward to 2013 and the opportunities we hope it brings. we've already started discussing ideas for this year's fundraiser and it's going to be a good one, so watch for more details and pencil it in to your summer plans! 

and until then, here's a little inspiration to kick off your new year:

"an essential part of a happy, healthy life is being of service to others"
-susan patton thoele

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