Wednesday, April 25, 2012

warm fuzzies

april's project left us all with the warm fuzzies.
so crazy how service seems to be a little bit selfish,
cause you can't help but feel good doing it.

we told you a little about april's project here.
well last thursday was the day, the team went into the house of this sweet family and
cleaned and organized from top to bottom!
the yard got cleaned up, flowers got planted and lots of goodies got left.
and let me just tell you, these women are absolute rockstars.
they know how to make things happen and how to get things done. 
it looked amazing and so sparkly clean.

these two ladies can clean and organize like nobody's business.
they're gifted. and they worked their magic.

the family actually arrived home this very day after their daughter had been in the hospital for several days following her bone marrow transplant.
we were outta there before they got home and
we all walked away giddy, knowing they'd be coming home to discover they
had one less thing to worry about.

please remember to send love and warm thoughts to millie and her family.
and to any other families in similar situations.

and if you want the warm fuzzies too, find someone who needs it and do something nice.
much love,
the 4charity team

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